A Serious Ruckus

in istanbul 

there is a line drawing 

from the tenth century 

in shows the earth 

as it appears from outer space

in manila 

there is a little boy

who can describe every inch

of the sistine chapel 

though he’s been blind 

since birth

there are more things

in heaven and earth

and yet the days go on 

as before each one 

a blue light special

who needs 

another saga of impossible

connections of ponderous age

of this thing

which perpetuates itself

without our intervention

in a parallel place 

who knows 

my duplicate may be posed

an arcane symbol circling her throat

her profile an ancient coin

she still requires 

bloddy lunar rituals

stylized circular motions

twenty days fasting 

more things than are dreamt of

in texarkana 

there is a circle of burnt

grass a ruined tableau 

where two little girls 

were last seen playing

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